Climate Change Excursions

FUNZI KINAZINI DHOW DAY SAFARI offers you a full day guided Eco-tour with emphasis  on ecotourism, sustainability, beach cleaning, mangrove planting and a fun day by the sea.

How Funzi Kinazini Dhow Day Safari contributes to ecotourism promotion:

Conservation and preservation – We emphasise on the importance of conserving and preserving mangrove ecosystems to our customers. We educate them about the ecological significance of mangroves and the threats they face. We encourage responsible behaviour during excursions, such as not disturbing wildlife or damaging the mangrove habitat. We encourage all our guests to plant atleast 1 mangrove tree every time they visit. Sustainable operations – we Implement sustainable practices in our company’s operations. This includes using eco-friendly and low-impact boats, minimising fuel consumption, and properly disposing of waste. We promote recycling and reduce the use
of single-use plastics during excursions.

Environmental education – we offer educational programs and materials to our customers, providing information about the mangrove ecosystem, its flora and fauna, and the importance of biodiversity. We engage visitors through guided tours, presentations, and interactive experiences, helping them understand the need for conservation and the benefits of ecotourism.

Community engagement – we collaborate with local communities (Bodo and Funzi) to ensure they benefit from ecotourism. We work together to develop sustainable tourism initiatives that promote local culture and traditions while protecting the environment. We involve the community members as mangrove planters, guides or employees, providing them with employment opportunities and economic benefits.

Research and monitoring – we support scientific research and monitoring efforts focused on plastic waste, organic waste and the mangrove ecosystems. We collaborate with private recyclers, research institutions, and NGOs to collect data on biodiversity, water quality and other ecological indicators. This helps identify potential threats and guide conservation efforts.

Awareness and marketing – we use our company’s marketing channels to raise awareness about the importance of ecotourism and the unique experiences we offer. We emphasise the sustainable aspects of our excursions, highlighting how visitors can enjoy the beauty of mangroves while contributing to their preservation.

We Continuously assess and improve our practices, stay updated on the latest research and best practices, and engage with stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of our operations.
